The Tennessee Coalition for Sensible Justice will advocate for reforms that enhance public safety, promote rehabilitation and re-entry, and save taxpayer dollars.
Our principles
Public Safety
Public safety should be the paramount concern of any criminal justice system; however, criminal law should be reserved for conduct that threatens public safety, not wielded to grow government and undermine economic freedom.
Taxpayer Protection
Criminal justice should be efficient and place as small a burden on taxpayers as possible, while maintaining strong protections for public safety.
Policies and evidence-based programs that address the root causes of crime and keep juveniles from entering the criminal justice system in the first place are critical to ensuring a better return on crime reduction dollars for Tennessee taxpayers.
Workforce readiness
Most prisoners will return to their communities and therefore, in preparation, they should receive educational opportunities, such as high school equivalency certificates, and also learn specific trades and skill sets. To promote re-entry and prevent recidivism, we should provide educational and workplace readiness opportunities to encourage their full re-integration into society.
Re-entry Preparation
A central goal should be to convert all released prisoners into taxpayers and productive members of society. To that end, the criminal justice system should emphasize public safety, personal responsibility, workforce readiness, restitution, community service, and treatment—while in prison and during probation and parole.
Transparency & accountability
As with any government program, the criminal justice system must be transparent and include performance measures that hold it accountable for its results in protecting the public, lowering crime rates, reducing re-offending, collecting victim restitution, and conserving taxpayers’ money.